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Texas Association of Community Schools

Together, we can help to promote, support, and develop excellence in student achievement.

Who is TACS?

37th annual east texas spring conference in tyler texas

Register for Conference

What We Do at TACS

School Advocacy

school advocacy graphic

TACS advocates for small and midsize schools in the State of Texas.


TACS Advocacy Agenda

Member Benefits

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At TACS, we provide a variety of benefits to our district members. 


Membership Info


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Every year, we offer scholarships to both students and employees whose districts are members of TACS. 


Our Scholarships

A Word from Our Members


placeholder icon Tommy Hooker | Thrall ISD

“TACS is an established organization with a great reputation for community school districts and is a great networking opportunity for districts of all sizes!


placeholder icon Debbie Engle | Valentine ISD

“TACS is a great advocate for small schools. It is great to be able to have a place to call that will always be able to answer your questions and give guidance that is relevant to community schools. The condensed,, focused informational calls are a huge bonus!!!



placeholder icon Bryan Allen | Clyde ISD

“I could go on and on about the benefits of TACS. The legislative updates and reports from other meetings in Austin that TACS provides are invaluable to rural districts. Being 3.5 hours away from Austin, I can’t always ‘be there,’ but I feel like we are, because TACS is there representing us and reporting items of interest. I also really enjoy the camaraderie and networking opportunities with other superintendents from around the state.



placeholder icon Richard Kilgore | Bruceville-Eddy ISD

“I belong to TACS becase… I could not do my job effectively as a superintendent without them. From deciphering the Commissioner’s superintendent calls to board training and conferences, they provide the information I need. And nobody keeps up with all that goes on at the Capitol better!”


Upcoming Events


TACS Diamond Partners


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